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A 3-year Old boy burned to death in Gaza : Silence is Complicity

mercredi 26 septembre 2012 - 15h:48

Ayman Qwaider

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Injustice continues with total complicity of silence : A boy burned to death and his sister and mother were seriously injured when a candle ignited their room in Bureij refugee camp as they were sleeping amid a severe crisis of electricity and fuel in the coastal enclave Gaza Strip.

French version

Over the past 6 six years, the 1.7 million Palestinians living in Gaza suffer constant electricity cut as Israel tights the illegal blockade keep preventing the industrial fuel entry to the enclave Strip, or hardly permit certain quantities to entre. This situation has left Palestinian to rely on the light of candles and other dangerous alternatives to manage their daily life needs.

Today, in the morning, AlBaghdadi family from Bureij refugee camp is not the first family, and will not be the last in Gaza to lose their sons in such terrific way as candle ignited in their house due to electricity cut. Thousands of houses in the Gaza depend mainly on the light of candles to run their daily life tasks when the electricity life is off.

The Gaza Strip has been undergoing a severe power crisis and a severe shortage of industrial fuel since 2006. The colonial state of Israel in June 2006 destroyed the main Gaza power station and in 2008, it considered the Hamas-ruled coastal enclave a hostile entity and restricted pumping the needed amounts of fuels to the population.

It is a real human tragedy and crisis that this inhumane blockade continues on the Gaza Strip with totally silence of the international community over the last few years. Israel is responsible in the first place for this tragedy and also the unclear political position of the new Egyptian government that came after historic revolution to restore human dignity not to let is violated like what is happening in the besieged Gaza.

The Arab states, which keep a long silence for this hermetic siege and see the daily suffering of people of Gaza, are equally responsible for letting children die in such tragic disasters.

* Ayman T. Qwaider could be contacted at :

His blog :

26 septembre 2012 - Transmitted by the author

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